Social: Instituto Novo Mundo
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ESG / Social

Instituto Novo Mundo

Education, culture and values for life.

The Instituto Novo Mundo is a nonprofit organization located in the community of Chatuba de Mesquita, a municipality in the Baixada Fluminense (RJ) region, with a population of approximately 170 thousand. The project’s objective is to bring educational, cultural, and vocational opportunities to children, young people, and adults, offering a new vision of the world to families in order to make them agents of change and to contribute to community development.

Since 2007, more than nine thousand children and adolescents have benefitted from this project, and in 2023 we became a sponsor through the Childhood and Adolescence Incentive Fund Law (FIA). The activities offered include preschool, school support, workshops in reading, theater, music, dance, and computer skills.

Holistic development.

The program “Building Values through Teaching,” proposed by Instituto Novo Mundo, is designed to promote the development of children and adolescents through four pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live in harmony, and learning to be.

Each month, the team of educators promotes interactive strategies to encourage social, emotional, and cognitive development through observation and experiences, involving families in the projects.