Amazonas Shopping Center, opened on November 7, 1991 as the first shopping mall in Manaus, contains modern facilities and has set a benchmark in the fashion, entertainment, cinema, service, and gastronomy sectors. It also organizes the best events in the capital of the state of Amazonas.
The mall is home to around 300 stores, including anchor and satellite stores, kiosks, a fitness center, movie theaters, restaurants, banks, and two food courts, and has almost 2,000 parking spaces and two event venues.
Amazonas Shopping hosts large events and has expanded its tenant mix, which now includes a SmartFit unit, Samsung, Livraria Leitura, Cinema Kinoplex, and Laboratório Reunidos. The mall also offers conveniences such as shopping on Whatsapp and 24-hour delivery.
Av. Djalma Batista, 482 – Parque 10 de Novembro – Manaus – AM
+55 (92) 3303-9000
+55 (92) 99994-6006
+55 (92) 98455-1469