Boulevard Shopping Vitória da Conquista - Shoppings ALLOS
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Boulevard Shopping Vitória da Conquista

Convenience and entertainment in the Central South region of Bahia.

Boulevard Shopping Vitória da Conquista sits in the Candeias neighborhood, in Vitória da Conquista. The development occupies more than 30,000 square meters and offers a complete mix of stores, services, and entertainment. Entertainment is provided by the Play Time recreation area and a Centerplex movie theater with 6 screens. The Food Court offers Japanese, Italian, Brazilian and fast food restaurants.

Fachada do Shopping Boulevard Vitoria da Conquista

Shopping mall

  • 2018 Opening
  • 27.955 GLA (gross leasable area)/SQM
  • 36.423 GCA (gross commercial area)/SQM
  • 1.961 Parking spaces
  • A/B/C Customers

Stores and Services

  • 105 Number of stores
  • 8 Anchors
  • 1 Megastores
  • Education Faculdade Santo Agostinho - Afya Educacional, Faculdade Uninassau - Veritas.
  • Services Loteria, Kiip Estética Automotiva, SAC (Serviço de Atendimento ao Cidadão), Ciretran (vistoria veícular), Emplacar (confecção de placas para veículos automotores), Espaço Laser, Fiolaser, Botolifting, Farmácia Pague Menos, Academia Selfit, Bradesco, Caixa 24h, Centerplex Cinema, ATUV (recarga do cartão de ônibus, xerox, 2ª via de contas).

Food and Entertainment

  • 540 seats Food court
  • 21 Food service operations
  • Entertainment 6 salas de cinema Centerplex, Play Time, Mania Plush

Av. Olivia Flores, 2500 – Candeias
Vitória da Conquista – BA

Phone(s) +55 (77) 4009-7897


+55 (77) 3424-4000


+55 (77) 98103-9729

Mall and Media

+55 (77) 98111-1645