Catuaí Shopping Maringá - Shoppings ALLOS
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Catuaí Shopping Maringá

One of the largest shopping and entertainment centers in Maringá.

Catuaí Shopping Maringá, opened on November 18, 2010, is one of the largest shopping and entertainment centers in the region and receives close to 420 thousand visitors every month. It has a Gross Leasable Area of 32,680 m² (GLA), 144 satellite stores, 5 anchor stores, 3 megastores, a 5-screen movie theater, an FGV education center, and 1,571 parking spaces.

Fachada do Catuaí Shopping Maringá

Shopping mall

  • 2010 Opening
  • 33.571 GLA (gross leasable area)/SQM
  • 53.729 GCA (gross commercial area)/SQM
  • 1.284 Parking spaces
  • B Customers
  • 520.000 Consumers per month

Stores and Services

  • 174 Number of stores
  • 9 Anchors
  • 5 Megastores
  • Education Trecsson FGV
  • Services Polícia Federal, Lava-jato, Depilação a laser, Supermercado, Farmácia, Caixa eletrônico, Hotel
  • Customer service +55 (44) 3142-1779/ (44) 3142-2006

Food and Entertainment

  • 1.165 seats Food court
  • 38 Food service operations
  • 5 Restaurants outside the court
  • Entertainment Arena de beach tênis, cinema com 6 salas, parque de diversão ao ar livre, espaço kids, parque infantil, parque pet, trilha ecológica, carrinhos e bichos elétricos, vídeo game

Av. Colombo, 9161 – Parque Industrial Bandeirantes, Maringá – PR

Phone(s) +55 (44) 3123 5005 / (44) 3123-5000


+55 (44) 3123-5066


+55 (43) 98817-1446

Mall and Media

+55 (44) 99985-8947