ESG Platform | Commitment of ALLOS to Sustainability
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ESG Platform

Commitment to people, the environment, and the country.

At ALLOS, we assume the commitment to promote sustainability as an essential part of our strategy. Our ESG platform (Environmental, Social, Governance) reflects our values and seeks to ensure socioenvironmental responsibility in all our operations.

We believe in ethics in business, in the development of our surrounding communities, in the responsible use of natural resources and in environmental preservation. In order to guarantee actual implementation of these principles, we have a Sustainability Commission composed of the Vice-Presidency of business and five board areas. This commission is responsible for managing the Company’s essential matters, in accordance with the guidelines established by the Ethics & ESG Committee.

We understand that to generate a positive impact for society, we must always be in step with a changing world, ready to face the challenges and meet the expectations of our different publics. For this reason, in 2022 we consolidated our ESG strategy, establishing commitments for the priority areas in terms of sustainability, with actions plans to reach ambitious goals by 2030.

At ALLOS, we believe it is possible to grow and prosper responsibly, adding value to society and to the environment. Our ESG platform is the foundation for a sustainable company, committed to building a better future for everyone. Learn about our commitments.

Sustainable Life Centers

Spaces that promote and inspire sustainability.
Diversity and inclusion hub

Promoting the development of diversity and inclusion-oriented relationships and places.

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Inclusivos and diversified spaces
Commitments 2030¹
  • To have 50% of the leadership positions occupied by women, with the engagement of the entire value chain.
  • To have 48% of the leadership positions2 occupied by black professionals, with the engagement of the entire value chain.
  • To obtain accessibility certification3 for 100% of the developments.
Well-being and human development hub

Promoting the full development of collaborators and clients.

  • Well-being, development, health, and safety
  • Safe and healthy spaces
Commitments 2030¹
  • To maintain collaborators’ engagement at 85% or higher.
  • A development plan for 100% of the collaborators.
  • To build awareness and establish actions to promote the well-being of our collaborators and customers.
Environmental protection hub

Achieving carbon neutrality and resource efficiency.

  • Climate and energy
  • Water
  • Waste management
Commitments 2030¹
  • To use 100% renewable energy4 by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 20405, continuously investing in energy efficiency.
  • Achieve recycling of 90% of the total waste generated by our operations.
  • To reduce the water use intensity by 5%, by implementing water reuse6 at 100% of the shopping malls.
Hub of communities and healthy habits

Turning the shopping malls into a space for transformation

  • Promoting healthy habits along the value chain
  • Local development
Commitments 2030¹
  • To promote and create solutions for the adoption, by our customers, of circular economy and low carbon practices at 100% of the shopping malls.
  • 100% of the shopping malls supporting at least one strategic project for local development.
  • To gradually increase the number of people who benefit from the projects for local development.

(1) The commitments consider owned and controlled enterprises. (2) In accordance with the criteria established with the Racial Equality Movement - MOVER. (3) NBR 9050 Certification. (4) Does not include cogeneration. (5) Scopes 1 and 2. (6) m3/m2 of common area, excluding stores consumption.

Operational excellence

To guarantee the continuous use of the best practices of management, transparency, and corporate governance.

  • Corporate governance
  • Ethics and integrity
  • Privacy and data protection